Reading Room

Due to vacation absences, the Reading Room will be closed for the weeks beginning Aug 12 and Aug 19, 2024, reopening the week of August 26.

Are you searching for answers in a world that seems to have so much uncertainty, conflict and sickness? You may find some answers at our Reading room. It's your community resource for inspiration, spirituality and healing; a quiet space for prayer and Bible study. It is a sanctuary where you can seek and find spiritual answers and insights into the Bible.

You can find out how Christian Science heals, comforts and blesses and have a look at the many resources available.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, whatever your need, you can find the spiritual answers that will lift you out of your struggle to see and experience practical solutions and healing. The staff are ready to respond to your questions, queries, or simply to chat with you about spiritual matters.

Here are some of the resources you'll find when you come in:

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, textbook of Christian Science

Christian Science Bible Study

Christian Science Periodicals

The Christian Science Journal (Monthly)

The Christian Science Sentinel (Weekly and Daily Online)

The Herald of Christian Science (Monthly)

Christian Science Monitor - International Newspaper

Biographies of Mary Baker Eddy, Discover and Founder of Christian Science


Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures:

The Christian Science textbook, by Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. Here you'll find the full explanation of Christian Science and its biblical foundation for spiritual regeneration and healing. The 700-page authorized version with marginal numbering and headings can be purchased or borrowed at the Reading Room, along with Eddy's other published writings.

Christian Science Bible Study

The weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson in print, digital and audio formats is available for purchase, listening or reading online, or to borrow in the Reading Room. These lessons are studied daily by Christian Scientists around the world unifying them in spiritual prayer that envelops the world to contribute to global healing.


Christian Science periodicals

Over 100 years of inspiring articles including tens of thousands of testimonies of healings from people who have applied the teachings of Christian Science to every aspect of their life. These articles and testimonies can be read online and in bound volumes. Current weekly and monthly Christian Science magazines dedicated to humanity's spiritual progress, are available in print or online, including:

The Christian Science Journal

The articles in this monthly magazine take a deep dive into the spiritual concepts of Christian Science taught in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

The Christian Science Sentinel

Here you'll find spiritual perspectives - daily and weekly - on current world issues and healings.


The Herald of Christian Science

Publishes articles internationally in 14 languages and includes testimonies of Christian Science healing.

JSH-Online is the site where you can access all of the above magazines anytime via subscription, or you can view online as a guest of our Reading Room.

Christian Science Monitor

If you're interested in world news, you can also access the Christian Science Monitor, a Pulitzer Prize winning, independent international news organization that challenges conventional thinking. Skip the sensationalism, and find constructive conversations on world issues focused on progress. Here you read credible and constructive counter-narratives to the pervasive hopelessness, anger, and fear-inducing brand of reporting. It changes how you see news.

Mary Baker Eddy

Discover the remarkable life of Mary Baker Eddy, one of the 100 Most Influential Women of All Time in the Britannica Guide to the World's Most Influential People. This guide cites Eddy as acknowledging a life of protest against conventional assumptions both in religion and in medicine. Indeed, she led an extraordinary life which included writing her seminal work Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures to give to the world the practical system of Christian healing she discovered in the Bible, particularly from the teachings of Christ Jesus. The Reading Room has many Biographies on the Founder of Christian Science:

A World More Bright: The Life of Mary Baker Eddy

by Isabel Ferguson and Heather Vogel Frederick. Rich in historical context and brimming with lively detail, this book offers an engaging portrait of a bold Christian pioneer and her undaunted search for truth.

Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer, Amplified Edition

By Yvonne Cache von Fettweis and Robert Townsend Warneck. Relates stories of this woman's remarkable life in the context of her healing work.

We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Volumes I & II.

A two-volume biography gives intimate views of Eddy through the eyes of individuals who met and knew her.



Deeper Study

Online access to the archives of the Mary Baker Eddy Library where you can discover an extraordinary life and pathways to the worlds progress.


Christian Science Reading Room, Etobicoke

4480 Eglinton Ave West
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9A 4M4
(Northeast corner of Eglinton Ave West at Islington Avenue)

Phone: 416-236-4816

Reading Room Hours

Due to vacation absences, the Reading Room will be closed for the weeks beginning Aug 12 and Aug 19, 2024, reopening the week of August 26.

Tuesday 12:00 to 4:00 pm
Thursday 12:00 to 4:00 pm
Sunday 11:30 am to 12:00 pm

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